Website changes

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We have been updating our website

New website launched!

We have been working to update and improve our website to better reflect our current focus. You can find us via our old address as well as via and all our FaNs news can now be found on this site. We have retained a selection of our 'older' news stories to give visitors a flavour of the many and varied ways FaNs can be involved in improving the quality of life of Essex care home residents by supporting them to keep connected with people and events in the wider community.

Explore 'Our FaNs initiatives' and 'Our FaNs Success Stories' for more details. Accept our invitation to 'Get Involved' to improve the quality of life for older people living in residential care settings. Or please Donate to help us sustain and grow our work with Care Homes and all our Friends and Neighbours in Essex.

Don't forget to also View, Like and Share our FaNs Network Facebook page for the most up-to-date feedback on FaNs activities and success stories. You can also send a direct message to the FaNs Team via Facebook as well as using Contact us on the website.

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