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Our brave quartet took the dive of their lives!
On Thursday May 30th, Christina from the FaNs Network, along with Kerry, Shilpa and Ben from Hill’s Self Storage, threw themselves out of a perfectly safe aeroplane at 13,000ft, all in aid of raising much needed funds for the FaNs Network to undertake it’s critical work!

It wasn’t all plain sailing
With nerves jangling, (well, from Christina and Shilpa anyway), our four intrepid parachutists made their way all the way to Beccles airfield early in the morning, only to find poor weather and low cloud cover scupper their plans for an early jump. Cue three and a half hours, three coffees, a weather change and a couple of sausage rolls later, the dreaded call came from one of the diving instructors that the time had come to suit up, get their harnesses on and prepare for take off!
A quick 15 minute flight to reach an altitude of 13,000 feet, at least 8,000 feet above the cloud cover, the time had come to shuffle to the door, where one by one, our quartet of heroes, somewhat reluctantly, threw themselves (or were slightly pushed) out of the aeroplane door, with about 40 seconds of free fall, before the canopies were engaged and our awesome foursome floated gently to earth, well mostly, as Ben’s bottom took the brunt of his attempt to defy gravity!
Raising money for a great cause!
At the time of writing, these guys have raised over £3,000 for the FaNs Network, which goes towards the core funding required to sustain the incredible project supporting older people in residential care.
So, a HUGE thanks from all of us here at Team FaNs. We’ll never forget what you’ve done for us, and we’re really looking forward to our next fundraising attempt, when we are sending Ben over the Niagra Falls in a barrel.